Egypt is a country that is steeped in culture and tradition, and has a rich and fascinating history. Its culture is as vibrant and varied as its landscape, and it is a great place to visit for anyone who wants to experience something truly unique. In this guide, we’ll take a look at some of the key aspects of Egyptian culture and customs, so you can gain a better understanding of this incredible country.


Religion plays a major role in the culture of Egypt, and is deeply intertwined with the country’s history. The majority of Egyptians are Muslim, and Islam is the official state religion. However, there is also a significant Christian minority, and many of the country’s most famous landmarks – such as the Great Pyramids – have religious significance.


The official language of Egypt is Arabic, but English is widely spoken in the major cities. It is also common to hear French, Italian, and German in the more touristy areas. Knowing a few key phrases in Arabic is always appreciated by locals, so it’s worth learning a few before you visit.


Egyptian cuisine is renowned for its variety and flavour. Popular dishes include koshari (a dish of lentils, rice, macaroni, and chickpeas), fool (a dish of fava beans), and kofta (grilled meatballs). Street food is also a big part of the culture, and you’ll find plenty of delicious snacks to try while you’re out and about.


Traditional clothing is still very popular in Egypt, particularly among the older generations. Women often wear a long dress known as a galabeya, while men wear a long robe called a jallabiya. However, in the cities, modern clothing is more common. It’s important to remember to dress modestly when visiting religious sites, as it is considered disrespectful to wear revealing clothing.


In Egypt, it is customary to greet people with a handshake and a kiss on the cheek. This is especially true when meeting someone for the first time, or when greeting an elder. It is also polite to say ‘salaam aleikum’ (peace be upon you) when meeting someone, and to reply with ‘wa aleikum salaam’ (and upon you be peace).


Egypt is a country that is full of culture and tradition, and it’s a great place to visit for anyone who wants to experience something truly unique. From the delicious food to the vibrant traditional clothing, there is something for everyone to enjoy. By familiarising yourself with the culture and customs of Egypt, you can ensure that your visit is as enjoyable and respectful as possible.

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